Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brownie Batter Smoothie

Sometimes, we just want some chocolate. Or chocolate cake. Or brownies. Especially, at certain times! How about something that tastes like brownie batter? Mmmm.

This recipe started as many of mine do- as a wild concoction of what I have on hand. It turned out surprisingly good! The ingredients may throw you, but the chocolate overpowers the milder flavors of the squash and banana. They really aren't noticeable but give a good texture- like cake or brownie batter! The chips and pecans reinforce the brownie-like taste of this smoothie. I didn't add ice because I loved the consistency, but you could if you wanted it to be more like ice cream (and avoid the temptation to stop at Dairy Queen!)

1 cup cooked winter squash- pumpkin, acorn, or butternut (I used butternut)
1 1/2 cups almond, coconut milk or milk of choice (I used almond and a little whole milk)
1-2 tsp Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa
1 small banana
1-2 tsp Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips
1-2 tsp pecans
sweetener of choice- Stevia, Honey, or Splenda (I used Splenda)
  1. Whirl together squash, milk and cocoa. Add banana and blend some more. 
  2. Add mini chips and pecans, blend again.
  3. Sweeten to taste with sweetener of choice. I rarely ever use artificial sweeteners, but I thought this one was good with Splenda in it. 
Makes 2-3 very filling servings.

  • Refrigerated, cooked winter squash is best for this recipe to get the right consistency. Hence, it's a great way to use up leftovers!
  • People who eat a lot of sugar and junk food probably won't like this. I've noticed my taste and tolerance for sweet stuff and other things has changed a lot since I went Paleo and completely took those things out of my diet. 
  • You could freeze this, perhaps even in ice cube trays or popsicle molds to keep handy when you're having one of "those" days and need a chocolate fix! Just whirl in the blender or let it come to room temperature or eat as a popsicle. 

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