Great Paleo\Primal Reads: Check your library for these books. You may be surprised at the selection of Paleo books they have on the shelves! I know I was. Now that I've read these books, I'm planning on picking them up inexpensively through Amazon's used book listings. I've included Amazon links to each book so you can read the reviews (I don't have an affiliate account, so I don't make money off the sale of these).
The Paleo lifestyle\approach:
The Paleo Diet by Dr. Loran Cordain
The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson
Primal Mind, Primal Body by Nora Gedgaudas
The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf
The New Evolution Diet by Arthur S De Vaney
Paleo Recipe Books:
Everyday Paleo by Sara Fragoso
The Primal Blueprint Cookbook by Mark Sisson
The Paleo Diet Cookbook by Loren Cordain
Paleo Comfort Foods by Julie Sullivan Mayfield
Make It Paleo by Bill Staley and Hayley Mason
The Gluten Free Almond Flour Cookbook by Elana Amsterdam
Other Great Reads:
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (Amazingly, scholarly and thorough examination of ancestral cooking)
Sugar Blues by William Duffy (a classic!)
The American Vegetarian from the Fit For Life Kitchen by Marilyn Diamond (Believe it or not this book is a a treasure chest of Paleo-friendly recipes. Awesome ideas for fruit, veggies, nut milks, salads, dressings and so much more. It's still one of my favorite cookbooks. Check out all the Fit For Life books. Many of the recipes are Paleo friendly. Their earlier books have some great meat recipes too.)
On My Reading List:
Wheat Belly by Dr. William Davis (this book is literally rocking the food industry)
Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes
Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It by Gary Taubes
Videos to Inspire: (you can find many of these on Netflix or Amazon Prime)
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